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Digital Sidekick
$6.99 per month
Become a CCM Digital Sidekick and collect all of our Digital Magazine issues that come out.
These include our Mid Season, Seasonal, and Exclusive Custom issues.
Be the first to see them when they go live and order a printed copy if you'd like.
CCM SuperHero
$16.19 first month
Welcome Superhero to our CCM Team!
As a CCM Seasonal Superhero you have ready to SAVE!
With your help, you will receive:
- 4 Seasonal and 4 Mid-Season Printed issues a year that will be automatically ordered and sent to you after their release.
- All of our Digital Issues.
- Savings of $75 a year.
- Exclusive CCM Gear Discounts and Giveaways.
- Collaboration to create a custom shirt for you.
So Sit back, Relax and Enjoy as the newest member of our CCM Team